Changes to family leave
Rules regarding family leave will change. The government proposal has been published and is currently being circulated for comment.
Parliament will deliberate on the matter in its autumn session and the modifications are intended to enter into force at the beginning of the year 2022. During the preparations by the government, the daily allowance model has become more accurate in the way that both parents would be granted a daily allowance quota of 160 days.
There are six daily allowance days in one week, meaning that the model would result in 12.8 months of parental allowance days per child. Of this number of days, it would be possible to hand over 0–63 daily allowance days to the other parent.
Additionally, a 40-day pregnancy allowance would be created in order to protect the end of pregnancy, which means that there would be more than 14 months of daily allowance days in total. The total number of family leave periods would increase with the renewal. At the moment, family leave consists of maternity allowance for the pregnant mother (105 working days, approx. 4.2 months), paternity allowance (54 weekdays, approx. 9 weeks) and parental allowance for the other parent or to be divided between the parents (158 weekdays, approx. 6.3 months).
“We hope that the renewal will make the distribution of parental leaves between parents more even and also encourage fathers to use a longer family leave period. We would have hoped for even broader changes, such as increased flexibility for the use of family leave in several periods,” says Negotiations Manager Anna Kytömaa of the Union of Professionals in Natural, Environmental and Forestry Sciences Loimu.
Source: STM
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