Changes to Loimu’s membership service and office phone service hours

Loimu’s membership service and office phone service hours have shortened a little.

Member services (membership and membership fee matters), tel. +358 (0)9 6226 8510 is open from Mon–Thu 10 a.m. to 12 noon. If you have any questions regarding your membership, you can contact us also by email at

Loimu’s office phone is open Mon–Fri from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., office number +358 (0)9 6226 850.

The employment advice service hours of our Lakiluuri helpdesk remain unchanged. You can reach the on-call specialist Tue–Thu from 10 a.m. to 12 noon on Lakiluuri’s phone number +358 (0)44 756 0150 and by email at edunvalvonta (at) You can email the on-call Lakiluuri specialist to request a call back. If you want to send us for example, an employment contract to review, we recommend using encrypted email.

For help in Career and job search coaching, salary advice, and mentoring you can reach the career service specialists, as before, at or through online booking. When sending documents with sensitive information please remember to send as encrypted email.

All of our contact information and service hours can be found at the Contact information-website.

For more information

  • Member services

    Phoneservice Mon-Thu at 10 – 12. In June and August Mon-Thu at 10 – 12. In July our office is closed.
  • Lakiluuri – Loimu lawyers' telephone service

    Tel. Tuesday to Thursday at 10 – 12
  • Employment advice

  • Career Services

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