Loimu membership card

You’ll find the Loimu membership card from the Member+ application. The new membership application combines Loimu’s mobile membership card, news feed and Akava’s Member+ membership benefit service and holiday homes.
Loimu’s mobile membership card is a browser-based application that you can add to your phone’s home screen using the instructions below. This way your membership benefits are always conveniently at hand and with you! The application is not available in app stores. The membership card also serves as a travel insurance card.
Download the mobile membership card to your phone’s home screen!
Get the app on Android
- Open the application in your phone’s browser at https://app.memberplus.fi. (PLEASE NOTE! Works correctly on mobile devices only). The application works best with Chrome browser.
- Tap the menu icon in the top right corner of the browser (or add member+ to the home screen at the bottom of the page)
- In the menu list, tap “add to home screen”
- Close the browser and open the application from the member+ icon that appears on your phone’s home screen
- Tap your mobile membership card, select your union and log in with your Loimu member intranet login information. Instructions for using the member intranet.
- See https://memberplus.fi/mobiili-faq/ for more help if needed. If you cannot find an answer in the instructions, you can contact the member+ support (info (at) memberplus.fi).
- You may also have a look at a guided application introduction with screenshots.
Get the app on iPhone
- Open the application in your phone’s browser at https://app.memberplus.fi. (NOTE! Works correctly on mobile devices only
- Tap the share button at the bottom of the screen
- In the menu list, tap “add to home menu”
- Close the browser and look for the member+ icon in your phone’s home menu
- Tap the icon to open the application. Tap your mobile membership card and log in with your Loimu member intranet login information. Instructions for using the member intranet
See https://memberplus.fi/mobiili-faq/ for more help if needed. If you cannot find an answer in the instructions, you can contact the member+ support (info (at) memberplus.fi).
Sivustolle upotetut videot eivät välttämättä lataudu, mikäli olet kieltänyt sivuston evästeet.
In Member+ application you will find e.g.
- Lots of different membership benefits
- Booking system for the holiday cabins and apartments
- Information about Loimu’s services
Please remember that the mobile application TaskuTurva also serves as a traveller’s insurance certificate. Read more about Taskuturva on the Turva website (in Finnish). Read more about Loimu’s insurance benefits on our website.