Invoices for membership fees have been posted

Invoices for the Union of Professionals in Natural, Environmental and Forestry Sciences Loimu membership fees were posted in week 4 to members who pay their own fees.

You can pay your membership fee in instalments (4 instalments) or as one payment for the whole year. The collection of fees for members whose membership fees are paid by their employer is carried out as usual.

E-invoicing is the easiest way to pay the union’s membership fees. With e-invoicing, the membership fee is paid in monthly instalments. The amount paid is adjusted during the year if there are any changes to the membership. The monthly payments are due on the 15th day of each month.

You can order an e-invoice through your online banking system. After signing in, select the union from the list of invoicing parties. When ordering an e-invoice, please provide your national identification number for invoice tracking purposes. If necessary, you can receive additional information from your bank. More information on e-invoicing and direct debiting can be found on Finance Finland’s website at

An online application form for a subsidized membership fee can be found on the member intranet under the section “Forms”. You can access the intranet by signing in on the union’s home page. Your user ID is either your member number or your email address in the member register. You have to create a password when you log in to the service for the first time. If you have forgotten your password or you are logging in to the service for the first time, request a new password using the “Tilaa salasana -function” (“Request a password” function).

Membership fees are tax-deductible. We will send the information about membership fees paid during 2020 to the Tax Administration.


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