Keep your details up to date and get the most out of your membership

Loimu member, are your membership details up to date? You will get the most out of your membership if your information in the member register is accurate.

Loimu member, are your membership details up to date? You will get the most out of your membership if your information in the member register is accurate.

Check and update your details

  1. Log in to the member pages using your member number or registered email address. Your member number can be found at the beginning of this message. This letter was sent to your registered email address.
  2. If you have forgotten your password or username, see the instructions for ordering a new password here.
  3. In the member pages you can browse your own information and update your basic information by clicking your name at the top of the page or by proceeding to view your information directly.

Download the article

  • This article (pdf)