Problems with pay, working hours or working conditions? – Summer job helpline is open!

The Summer Job Helpline offers advice on matters related to summer employment. If anything concerns you about a summer job, don’t hesitate to contact Summer Job Helpline! The service will give urgently needed advice throughout the whole summer.

You can find further advice and guidance in the Summer job checklist and the Frequently asked questions. When problems arise you may also talk to more senior colleagues and workmates, your local shop steward or employee representative, or the trade union for the industry concerned.

This year’s Summer Job Advisor Hanna-Marilla Zidan encourages summer employees to contact the service immediately if they have any employment concerns. It is possible to do it even before starting a summer job. When an employee is familiar with their rights and obligations at the beginning of employment, possible problems can be avoided.

Although working life has changed in many ways over the years, the questions received by the Summer Job Helpline deal to a large extent with similar topics. People mostly ask for advice related to pay and working hours. Many people also get in touch about their trial period or certificate of employment.

When agreeing about a summer job, ask for the employment contract in writing and look into it with care, Zidan reminds.

– If the terms and conditions are unclear in any way, you shouldn’t rush into signing the contract. First, read it through with care. Looking into one’s rights and obligations with care benefits both parties to the employment relationship.

You can ask questions in Finnish, Swedish and English. All the questions are handled confidentially. If you wish, you can contact the service anonymously.

Please note that the Summer Job Helpline does not provide help with seeking a summer job.

For frequently asked questions and answers, and a checklist for summer employees, check out the info page for summer employees . Also make use of the useful working life tips and links. At least check what you should take into account when you start a summer job!

You can request information by calling 0800 179 279 from 09.00 to 15.00 on Monday to Friday. Calls to this number are toll-free, and questions may also be sent to WhatsUpp number 040 747 1571 and by using a webform.

The Summer Job Helpline is provided by the national labour confederations of Finland: SAK, Akava and STTK. The helpline will stay open until 31 August.

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