Loimu pocket calendar

The calendar is a versatile, pocket-sized information package. As a member, you get a calendar free of charge to the address in our member register. The calendar contains information in three languages (Finnish, Swedish, English).

If you did not receive a calendar in 2023 but you would like to get one in 2024, or if you want to cancel your calendar order, you can do this on OmaLoimu member pages. In OmaLoimu choose “My information” (Omat tiedot), and at the bottom of the page you can activate the calendar order by checking the box “jäsenkalenteri”. If you want to help us protect the environment and cancel the useless calendar order make sure to remove the check in the box.

The calendars for next year will be posted in autumn after their publication in November-December. New orders coming in after this time will be posted approximately once a month.

Loimu pocket calendar 2024
