Loimu has approximately 17.100 members. Membership growth is particularly fast among students.
Loimu is a multiprofessional union. Our members are natural scientists, environmental scientists and forestry scientists – ecologists, geologists, chemists, forestry experts, environmental experts and many more. They work under a great variety of titles – more than 1,000. They are planning officers, consultants, coordinators, project managers or researchers – to name but a few.
Loimu has members in all employer sectors and various branches. Our members work for industry and for-profit businesses as well as universities, research institutes, state and municipalities. We protect the interests of our members across all sectors.
Among Loimu’s working-age members, about 42% work in the private sector, approximately 19% are employed by the state and 16% work in universities and some 10% in the municipal sector.
Approximately 31% of Loimu’s members are students, while 5% are retirees.
Of Loimu’s members, 64% are women and 36% are men. Of the members who revealed their language of communication, approximately 3% use Swedish and 2.7% use English.