Latest salary data now on Palkkanosturi!

The service Palkkanosturi, found on our website’s Member pages (requires logging in, both services are in Finnish), has been updated to include the salary data results of the latest labour market research.

You will need your membership number to log into the Member pages, which can be found, for example, at the top of your membership newsletter. The newsletter is sent to the email address you have provided us with. Log into the Member pages to update your information.

You can use Palkkanosturi to look up the salary levels of others working in your field in similar posts and see how your salary compares. If your salary turns out to be below the median of your peer group, you should negotiate yourself a salary increase.

In addition, Palkkanosturi can be used to determine your salary requirement when looking for a job. Salaries vary a lot depending on the position, field and company size.

The salary model used by Palkkanosturi is based on the salary data acquired from the labour market research conducted by the union and the salary levels are produced from the original observational data using a model-based method. The results provided by Palkkanosturi apply to real-life situations, that is, to background variable combinations that reflect the actual working situations of our members. So choose your answers carefully. 

More information (in Finnish) about salaries on our website and electronic journal:

Salary information

Salary recommendations to aid students with their negotiations

Concerned about your salary?

Salary recommendations for students in 2022 – 2023

Download the article

  • This article (pdf)