Geography explores the globe, phenomena of its surface, human impact on nature as well as social phenomena. Geographers graduate from the University of Helsinki, the University of Oulu, the University of Turku and the University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu campus) and regional scientists from the University of Tampere. Geography typically studies the complex phenomena from a broad perspective while combining nature and human understanding. Geography interweaves the social sciences with natural sciences and acts as a bridge between these two disciplines.
Approximately 100 geographers graduate annually. Approximately 10 persons with a Master’s Degree in social science and 40 persons with a Master’s Degree in administrative science graduate from regional and environmental sciences annually.
Sources of employment and examples of employers
- Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
- Regional councils
- Cities and municipalities
- Pöyry
- Esri Finland
- Sitowise
- Ramboll
- Finnish Environment Institute
- Natural Resources Institute Finland
- National Land Survey of Finland
- Metsähallitus
- Finnish Meteorological Institute
- Finnish Transport Infrasturcture Agency
- Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Finland
- Finnish Immigration Service
- Lower secondary schools and general upper secondary schools
- Aalto university
- University of Helsinki
- University of Eastern Finland
- University of Oulu
- University of Tampere
- University of Turku
Phenomena in the field
- Regional information, remote sounding, data amount and increased processing need
- The need to address and study complex phenomena, such as urbanisation and climate change
- Increased appreciation of the nature and natural sites and their planning
Geographers’ titles in Finnish job market

Employment and career opportunities
There are approximately 2,700 geographers in the labour market and the unemployment rate is around 3%. The number of people who have graduated with a Master’s Degree in administrative science, social science and political science is approximately 1,000. The unemployment rate is close to the academic sector on average, being approximately 4%.
Geographers are working in teaching, administrative and project management tasks, research tasks in universities and educational institutes as well as in design, development and consultation tasks. The need for data experts and specialist who can study and solve complex phenomena is likely to grow in the future.
Looking for a job?
We have listed the job adds in English in the field of geological sciences – check it out!